It is two years since we starting publishing on substack and we have covered a lot of ground in that time so I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on where we started and where we are today.
Firstly, I would like to thank our long-standing subscribers who have been with us from the beginning and to those who have only recently discovered us, I hope we are living up to expectation.
Back in August 2022 as we emerged from the initial shadow of covid we took the decision to bring all of our publishing activities under the substack roof. From those humble beginnings we have seen steady growth to where we now regularly attract 3 to 4 times the readers over subscribers. I still haven’t fathomed out why but I am not complaining.
So our raison d'être is to encourage our readers to trust their intuition and to apply logical thought and discernment to all health-related matters. Our purpose is not to tell you what to think but to pose questions that stimulate critical thought. We also aim to introduce topics that perhaps you have not encountered before to demonstrate there might be another way or another perspective that is worthy of consideration.
The healthcare space is constantly evolving so what is accepted wisdom today may well be different tomorrow. The science is never settled, to coin a phrase, well, certainly not in the real world. As our understanding continues to expand so will the solutions and we intend to be at the forefront in bringing these to you.
As I mentioned earlier we seem to have many more readers than subscribers, who find us through the various social media platforms so if you are one of those, please do consider switching and becoming a (free) subscriber.
Before I conclude I do have one favour to ask and that is to Refer a Friend using the button below.
We want to reach as many People as possible and we can only do so with your help. We have now reduced the number of referrals required to earn rewards so check out the latest threshold levels here.
So in conclusion, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and look forward to seeing what the next 12 months has in store for us all.
Stay healthy!